We Have a Serious Data Problem... But We Can Fix It!

We Have a Serious Data Problem... But We Can Fix It!
In my 30 years as a software architect, I have witnessed fascinating advancements in technology, and have been fortunate to use technology to provide incredible solutions for our clients. I have also seen too many staggering examples of misuse of our technical capabilities, and pure negligence in protecting the data we, as developers, are exposed to and entrusted with protecting. Sadly, we see the same mistakes, laziness, or carelessness that lead to major data breaches of our sensitive information over and over. As providers, consumers, and stewards of personal data, it is the responsibility of every one of us to understand the basic principles of data privacy, follow privacy standards, and actively demand that our data be protected.

Protecting personal, business, or user data isn't difficult. We have the technical means, rules, and ability to do it. The biggest hurdle is mindset. The foundational mindset for any software team must begin with following strict data privacy policies and defining a secure data architecture - a data architecture that segments and isolates sensitive data, detaches identifiable user information, uses ultra-secure encryption, and strictly adheres to PCI compliance. This should be the basic standard. Keeping that architecture behind a properly hardened and secured network is critical. And following one simple rule could solve so many problems... if it's sensitive, never, ever, save it. Credit card numbers, bank account numbers, social security numbers. Not in a database, not in an email, not in a chat, not in a text message, not on a sticky note. Don't do it.

When you are looking for a company to develop solutions for your business, make sure they know what they are doing. Take the time to ask serious questions about their data security practices, and trust your intuition. Ultimately you are responsible for your customer’s data. Make sure you keep it safe!

Joe McGarvey, President



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